Form Template – Request for Information – Call for Witnesses

To assist citizens and movements from around the world in making their voice heard during the upcoming trial, the International Monsanto Tribunal asks you to send in any information or your testimony using this form.  The Organizing Committee of the Monsanto Tribunal will examine all submissions.

We will contact you if your submission has been selected for testimony during the People’s Assembly (14-16 October 2016) or during the hearings at the Tribunal (15-16 October 2016).

Thank You.

Date of deposit:
Name and first name:
Organisation (if pertinent) :
Direction:   (mail) and/ or (phone number)
Key words (5 maximum):
Object of the submission (max: 1000 characters including spaces):
Presentation (max: 17000 characters including spaces):

Please send to this email address



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