The Monsanto Tribunal Ambassadors are supporters who are actively helping to spread the word about this citizens' initiative. Meet them here and watch their video messages, organised by alphabetical order.

Nnimmo Bassey - Nigerian achitect, environmentalist activist, author and poet. He has been nominated among the Times Magazine's "Heroes of the Environment" in 2009.

"We cannot fold our arms and watch a handful of corporations corrupt and destroy our agricultural and food systems, poison our ecosystems and commit ecocide while we stand aside and look. The Monsanto Tribunal is a welcome development at this point in time, especially now that Monsanto is making desperate efforts to open doors and weaken agroecology across the continent of Africa, to colonise our culture and destroy our food systems. Tribunals such as this are needed to stem the tide of ecocide and send a strong signal that ecological crimes and other ecological misbehaviors cannot go unpunished."

Irene Cardoso - Soil science Professor and President of the Brazilian Agroecology Association.

"Why is the Brazilian Agroecology Association supporting the Monsanto Tribunal? Brazil is the largest consumer of pesticides in the world. This has major implications on human health, animal welfare, soil, water, plants... On all nature. In Brazil soy cultures are the ones using most pesticides. The increased use of pesticides is due to the introduction of genetically modified soybean. The seeds of transgenic soy are marketed by Monsanto [...]. soy has been modified to tolerate glyphosate, an herbicide marketed by Monsanto [...]. We have testimonials from farmers and scientific results showing that glyphosate is poison."

Manu Chao - Worldwide famous singer and advocate for social and environmental justice.

"This song, Seeds of Freedom, is dedicated to the struggle for peasant and seed freedom and against Monsanto, Bayer and destructive agriculture. This type of agriculture destroys peasant systems and violates their rights to seeds, land and natural resources. Chemical intensive forms of production pollute the environment, accelerate biodiversity loss and massively contribute to global warming. There is another way: millions of people fight for a sustainable future!"

Richard Falk - Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and former UN Rapporteur (USA).

"I am extremely grateful to the organisers of the International Monsanto Tribunal [...] May this inquiry into Monsanto's alleged crimes against humanity be widely understood and reactions to it starts us down the road towards agro-ecology and a sustainable human future."

Claude Gruffat - President of Biocoop, a major actor in the organic food cooperative movement in France.

"For Biocoop, supporting the International Monsanto Tribunal is an historical opportunity to mobilise world's citizens to reject the industrial, intensive and chemical agricultural model that destroys agricultural biodiversity and massively contributes to the disappearance of small farmers everywhere."

Nicolas Hulot - French journalist, author, environmental campaigner and politician.

"Some things go against our idea of a civilisation. The fact that some could control the global food resources. The fact that we can speculate on them. The fact that farmers are now deprived from their traditional and basic right to save a part of their crop to sow it again. The fact that those same farmers could suffer from the toxic products they are asked to use without any precautions. The fact that the soil is being poisoned [....]. It is high time to adapt the Law to those unpunished crimes which are not even considered as such. It is high time that the notion of ecocide is debated and eventually taken into account in the highest international bodies."

Florianne Koechlin - biologist and GMO specialist, Switzerland.

"My main concern is that Monsanto promotes worldwide an agriculture which is disastrous. Huge monocultures, patented GMO seeds, pesticides, synthetic fertilisers. It’s the contrary of a sustainable and agroecological way for the future. But Monsanto is not alone: Syngenta [...] or BASF or Dow Chemicals and others are in the same boat. So this tribunal is not only about Monsanto but about all the giant agrobussinesses in this world and their exploitation of farmers and the environment. Therefore I strongly suggest that you support this Tribunal, it’s important."

Renate Künast - former German Minister of Agriculture, member of German Parliament, the Green Party/Alliance 90.

"I support the Monsanto Tribunal because we finally have to put a focus on Monsanto as the flagship of an agribusiness and a chemically intensive agriculture."

Simone Lovera - Executive Director Global Forest Coalition, Paraguay.

"We [...] see how the pesticides what are being promoted and produced by Monsanto […] are killing children, [...] women, [and] men in the countryside who see their water terribly contaminated, who get all kinds of terrible diseases. We also see how Monsanto has succeeded to get a support of government and to get a support of the police in its criminal practices of committing ecocide throughout countryside in countries like Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and actually all over the world."

Sarojeni Rengam - Executive Director, Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP).

"We are concerned that Monsanto [...] produce poisons that continue to harm human health and the environment. Monsanto's glyphosate or roundup is a probable carcinogen classified by International Agency for Research on Cancer. And yet Monsanto persists in the marketing of its roundup. Use of this pesticide [caused] untold poisonings including the death of Silvino Talavera, 11 year boy in Paraguay. This unique Tribunal, we hope, will bring justice to Silvino and others who been poisoned, harassed and devastated by the actions of Monsanto."

Dr. Stephanie Seneff - US researcher.

"I really hope you will help to make this Tribunal happen. It may be a game changer for the world. Thank you."

Boaventura de Sousa Santos - sociology professor University of Coimbra.

"The Monsanto Tribunal is one of the most important initiatives of the organized citizen society in the last decade."

João Pedro Stedile - national coordinator of the landless workers movement, MST in Brazil.

"The principal thing is to have an agriculture free of poisons. So this court against Monsanto is not only to judge the crimes it has been committing, it's also a struggle for healthy food, a struggle for another agriculture."

Esther Vivas Esteve – Catalan journalist and researcher at the Centre of Studies about Social Movements (CEMS).

"Today 90% of GM crops in the world have biotech traits of this multinational. Monsanto is equal to GMO's, which means the privatization of life, the privatization of native and ancient seeds [...]. If you as a consumer want to know what we eat, support this campaign!"

Konstantin Wecker - famous German singer.

"We should start to fight back against corporate super powers and in this case against a company that is demonstrably destroying the earth by environmental toxins."


Second statement:

Vivienne Westwood - extraordinary British fashion designer.

"Monsanto must be charged, End Ecocide!"

Second statement before Judges delivery of the legal opinion:







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