Glyphosate scandal in Europe - 10 more poisoned years?

In this newsletter: another criminal complaint from civil society against the re-autjhorisation of glyphosate in the EU, protest of South African farmworkers against dangerous imported pesticides, Bayer to pay $100M for PCB contamination in Pennyslvania...

Europe is buzzing with a new glyphosate scandal. Bayer–Monsanto withheld crucial information, and the agencies that should guard health and environment work with producer-friendly guidelines. Studies commissioned by producers are favored over independent science. Soon the EU countries could give their green light for another 10 years of damage to health and destruction of biodiversity, based on this biased advice. So yes, be alarmed, and please raise your voice.

Criminal Complaint Against Bayer–Monsanto

They did it again! Thought that Bayer would be more polite than Monsanto? Different styles yes, but same goal. Sell products, regardless of harmful consequences. Research revealing possible damage of your top-selling product to the brain or the unborn? Hide it if it’s your own, discredit it or the scientists involved if it’s others’. This happened back in 2017 with the re-authorisation of glyphosate in the EU, it happened again with the current procedure. Enough of a reason for Pesticide Action Network Europe, Global2000 and Générations Futures to file another criminal complaint. This comes on top of the one still running in Austria.

Read the full story here.

Dr. Lysimachou, Environmental scientist & toxicologist (PAN Europe) at expert meeting in the EU Parliament in September

More glyphosate stories

All information about glyphosate: visit Stop Glyphosate.

Enough? Raise your voice, it's quick and simple with to mail EU politicians with this easy tool.

South African Farmworkers Urge Bayer to Stop Import and Use of EU-forbidden Pesticides

South African farmworkers took to the streets on Friday, September 8, and marched to the headquarters of Bayer. They demand an end to import and use of pesticides prohibited by the European Union. The protest was organized by the Women on Farms Project. Read more here.

Photo Credit: Ashraf Hendricks

Bayer to pay Pennsylvania $100M over widespread PCB contamination

The US state Pennsylvania has reached a settlement with Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, for contaminating 1300 miles of streams and 3600 acres of lakes with PCBs over 50 years. Read more.

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Your donation will help to inform people and keep the work of the Monsanto Tribunal visible. We do this voluntary, so no salaries involved here. If we raise more than our costs, the rest will go to the Stop Glyphosate campaign. Thank you!



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